District Social Welfare
Address :Collector Office Campus
Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013
In Tamil Nadu the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013 is being implemented. The Department of Social Welfare is a Nodal Department for the implementation of the act. The District Collector will exercise power or discharge his/her function under the act to constitute Local Complaints Committee (LCC) in district. Local Complaints Committee (LCC) have to be established in where the office/administrative unit staff strength is less than 10 workers.
1. Local complaint committee and District Nodal officer’s Details (PDF 6 MB) , Vellore District
2. Prevention of sexual harassment of women at workplace (prevention, prohibition and redressal) act, 2013 – Tamil Version (PDF 224 KB)
3. Prevention of sexual harassment of women at workplace (prevention, prohibition and redressal) act, 2013 – Handbook (PDF 4 MB)
Marriage Assistance Scheme
EVR Maniyammaiyar Ninaivu Poor Widow Marriage Assistance Scheme
- There is no educational qualification
- Death certificate of the husband of the application widowed mother/widow certificate
- Income certificate of the family of the widow (from the Tahsildar)
- Age certificate of the daughter of the poor widow income limit not exceeding Rs. 72,000/- per annum
- Age limit 18 to 30 years
- Other criteria only one girl from a family is eligible
- Time limit for sending application within 45 days before the date of marriage
However even one day prior to marriage also applications are accepted.
Funding pattern
- Beneficent will get 8 grams gold coins
- Beneficent will get Rs.25000/- through ECS (Non – Degree)
- Beneficent will get Rs.50000/- through Ecs (Degree)
Annai Theresa Ninaivu Orphans Girls Marriage Scheme
- There is no Educational Qualification
- Income Certificate is not required
- Age limit Bride should have completed 18 yrs of age.
- Time limit for sending application within 45 days before the date of marriage. However even one day
prior to marriage also applications are accepted.
- Death certificate of Parents of the the bride’s should be furnished along with the application
Funding pattern
- Beneficent will get 8 grams gold coins
- Beneficent will get Rs.25000/- through ECS (Non – Degree)
- Beneficent will get Rs.50000/- through Ecs (Degree)
Dr. Dharmambal Ammaiyar ninaivu widow Re-Marriage Scheme
- Death certificate of the first husband of the with the application re-married widow
- Certificate of Registration of the second Marriage of the remarried widow
- Age certificate of the re married of the widow
- Marriage invitation of the second marriage of the remarried widow
- Income Limit no income ceilings
- Age limit minimum age of 20 yrs for the bride
- Time limit for sending within six months from the date of marriage application
Funding pattern
- Beneficent will get 8 grams gold coins
- Beneficent will get Rs.15000/- through ECS Remaining amount (Rs. 10,000/- as NSC Bond) – Non degree
- Beneficent will get Rs.30000/- through Ecs Remaining amount (Rs.20,000/-) as NSC Bond) – Degree
Dr.Muthulakshmi Reddy Ninaivu Intercaste Scheme
- There is no educational Qualification
- Income Certificate is not required
- Age limit between 18 and 30 yrs of bride
- Time limit for sending application within two years from the date of marriage
- In case of Inter caste marriage any one of the spouse must be Scheduled Caste and another should be backward class
- Couples Community certificate must
Funding pattern
- Beneficient will get 8 grams gold coins
- Beneficient will get Rs.15000/- through ECS Remaining amount (Rs. 10,000/- as NSC Bond) – Non degree
- Beneficient will get Rs.30000/- through Ecs Remaining amount (Rs.20,000/-) as NSC Bond) – Degree
- class=”heading5″>Double Female Children Security Scheme
Double Female Children Security Scheme by Hon’ble Chief Minister of Tamilnadu
The Motivation of this scheme is Protect the female Children from the abortion and encourage their education
Scheme –I
If a single female child born on or after 01.08.2011 in a family> A sum of Rs.50000/- is deposited in the name of female child as fixed deposit.
Scheme –II
If a double female child burn on or after 01.08.2011 is a family, A sum of Rs.25000/- for each child is inverted in Tamilnadu Electricity Power generation finance Corporation.
Terms and Conditions
- Any one of the parents should made family planning operating is this the Age of 35
- Family Should have only two female Children
- No male child in a family
- Parents should live in Tamilnadu minimum 10 years
- Apply this scheme within the 3 years after birth second female Child
- Annual income of parents not exceeds Rs.72000/-
RTI Contact
District Social Welfare Office,
District Social Welfare Officer,
District Social Welfare Office,